
Anti-Social Skills

Created by Sam Liberty

A party game written by comedians so you know it's written good! When you buy the game or book a comic to host your friends, you'll receive a *FREE* one-year membership to the online game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're coming to you live from Chicago!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 08:24:04 AM

Our second live show will feature Chicago comics!

We're super excited to announce our second live show this Sunday 11/1 at 8:30 PM EST. This game features two of our super-talented writers along with four new-to-A.S.S. Chicago comedians. 


Tori Kilkenny

Adam Gilbert 

Jon Torres 

Sonal Aggarwal 

John Roy

Some Guy

Hosted by Jon Rineman!

Tune in Sunday at 8:30 for some hilarious Chicago-themed fun. Hotdog not included.

Set your reminders now:


Facebook Live:

And add the event directly to their google calendar Here.

BIG NEWS: Our First Ever *Live* Show Premiers Monday Night!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 07:54:10 AM

Save the date, backers. We are launching our first in a series of live comedy shows on Monday, Oct. 26! And it’s FREE!

A crack team of improv performers will be playing a Halloween-themed game of “Anti-Social Skills” live!

Our players call themselves 'The Spooky Doines' and they can be found scattered across the United States in Boston, Buffalo, Jersey Shore, Chicago, San Antonio, and Las Vegas. They're a group of professional improvisers who have come together during the pandemic to play games on Zoom, and tonight they'll be playing Anti-Social Skills!

Jon Rineman will host this premier event, which will be streamed simultaneously on YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitch, and Periscope, starting at 10pm Eastern.

Click here to add it to your calendar. You won’t want to miss it.

How can you help turn this event into a success?

We hope to do many more lives shows in the future. Here's how you can help make that a reality:

1) Add it you your calendar, set reminders on YouTube and Facebook Live.

2)  Tune in live on 10/26 at 10pm Eastern

3) Share it with your own social network when we go live so your friends can tune-in too!

Want your own live hosted experience for you and your friends? There's still a few left...

60% Funded, Play With Our Comics, and More!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 04:37:02 PM

Thank You!

Thank you all so much for your support. We are well on our way to hitting our goal. So many new developments have come up in the past 72 hours that it's hard to know how to start!

Here's what you need to know:

  • We are over 60% funded. (Thanks to you!)
  • There's a brand new reward tier where you get to play with our comics.


  • We are dropping Episode 1 of our A.S.S. YouTube series... and you're the first ones who get to see it!


You may have have noticed a reward tier called the Hosted Experience. This special reward tier sold out almost instantly. So we added three more. And they immediately sold out again.

The people have spoken, and they want to play with our comics. We released two more Hosted Experience slots, but even more exciting, we are now introducing...


The Hosted Experience PLUS

This tier is *extremely* limited. We are only releasing 2 to start with. Backers who pledge at this level get all of the following:

  • The Kickstarter Exclusive game with all stretch goals.
  • A 30-minute Hosted Experience with Jon for up to 8 people
  • PLUS - One of our amazing comics will join your game!

I promise you and your friends will laugh your A.S.S. off.

Already pledged at a different tier? You can increase your pledge any time. 

Curious to see what it's like when comics play the game? Well, look no further than...

Anti-Social Skills Episode 1

As we built and designed our game, we recorded multiple play sessions with the writers. These games were so funny we were literally crying on Zoom, and not for the normal reasons. Throughout the campaign we will be uploading these recording sessions as episodes on YouTube! As a backer, you will be the first to see them.

Watch it now!

If you liked it, smash that subscribe button! There's plenty more where that came from.

That's it for now. We're doing great but there's a lot more work left to do. We'll be back with more updates soon.
