
Anti-Social Skills

Created by Sam Liberty

A party game written by comedians so you know it's written good! When you buy the game or book a comic to host your friends, you'll receive a *FREE* one-year membership to the online game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Games Are Printed! Shipping Update Below
about 3 years ago – Mon, May 10, 2021 at 08:15:53 AM

Major A.S.S. News!

In this update:

  • Printing is now complete. What comes next?
  • Shipping update: We're still on track for June
  • New Hosted Experience dates added

Read on for more.

We have a printed game

Today we're incredibly excited to tell all you dedicated A.S.S. fans: the game is printed! We have fresh copies of Anti-Social Skills games, Even More NSFW Editions, and 2020: Year of the A.S.S. limited edition expansions for all of our backers. 

So what comes next? 

Shipping Update

Our games are now being loaded onto pallets and prepared for an overseas transit where they will arrive at our distribution partner's warehouse in California. This should take 30-40 days. From there, your rewards will be mailed out to you and come right to your door. This should get you your completed games within the June timeframe we expected, barring any unforeseen shipping delays. Note that things do happen in transit, for instance another cargo freighter could jackknife in the Suez Cannel. Hopefully nothing like that will happen to us, but anything is possible. If there are any delays, we will let you know ASAP what to expect.

IMPORTANT: In order to ship to you, we need your address! If you haven't filled out your backerkit survey, please do so right away so we can get your address. You'll also have the opportunity to purchase add-ons for your game.

New Hosted Experience dates added

I recently went into our account and added a slew of new Hosted Experience dates for May and June. If you have not booked yours yet, now is the perfect time to do so! You should have the link in your inbox already if you are a Hosted Experience backer. Please get in touch if you need the link again.

If you didn't back at the Hosted Experience level but you would like Jon to play with you and your friends, you can still order a Hosted Experience on our preorder store.

Very exciting time to be an A.S.S. fan!

Until next time,


We've got physical proofs!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 12:25:25 PM

Look what came in the mail...

Oh, I wonder what's inside...

Physical proofs of Antil-Social Skills! 

This is the last quality control check before the final game is produced and shipped. There will be some differences in the final version (the corners will be rounded and the card stock will be thinner; the 2020 deck box will also be smaller). We are really happy with the quality, especially of the beautiful box for the main game!

Inside, there is a cardboard insert that can be removed to make room for your add-ons and expansions.

Take a look! *NOTE: The last image is fairly NSFW*


March Update: Proofs ordered, first hosted experiences happening
over 3 years ago – Sun, Mar 07, 2021 at 12:26:00 PM

What's New With Anti-Social Skills, March Edition

Things are moving along briskly over here at A.S.S. HQ. We've been working on some secret stuff we can't talk about yet, but here's what we can tell you:

1. We have ordered physical proofs of the game which should be arriving soon! When they do we will share the first images with you so you can see what the physical cards really look like.

2. The first Hosted Experiences have begun! If you are in the Hosted Experience or Plus tier make sure to  follow the link we emailed to you and pick a date before the times that work for your group are all sold out!

And as always, if you don't want to wait for your physical copy, take advantage of your free membership to and play online with your friends and family right away.

Until next time, stay safe and keep laughing!

Manufacturing, Hosted Experiences, and More
over 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 05:56:24 AM

Here's what we've been up to since the last time you heard from us!

We've been working furiously making the game a reality over the past several weeks.

In this update:

  • Manufacturing news
  • Hosted experience scheduling
  • Free premium web content for backers
  • How you can help

The files are at the manufacturer

After an intense period of joke writing, editing, play testing, double and triple checking, the final print files are now with the manufacturer, and we have received and approved digital proofs! That means the manufacturer can begin printing as soon as we reach the front of their queue. We are so excited to get the physical copies out to you all, I can hardly type this. The boxes and cards that our graphic designer created look incredible, and will really pop on your shelf, and the cards are absolutely hilarious. Our in-person play test bubbles couldn't stop laughing, especially when doing the challenges. We can't wait to get it out into the world.

We are booking Hosted Experiences!

If you are one of the backers who was lucky enough to get one of our Hosted Experience packages, you should have received an email from me with a link to a scheduler. The first ones begin this week! If you have not had the chance to book yet, make sure you do it soon because slots are limited and we really want you to get the time and day that works best for your group. If you have any problems booking a time, please reach out.

Didn't get a Hosted Experience but want to play on Zoom with our comics? You can book your own at our pre-order store.

Don't forget to sign up for free website access...

As a backer, you already have access to all of our website content for FREE. You should have received a special link that lets you sign up at absolutely no charge. If you haven't received it, please get in touch! In addition to an online interface with all of the cards, you also receive access to our private Discord community where you can talk to other players and organize games.

And finally...

Please spread the word to your friends about our game! The best way of doing this is playing with your friends on Zoom. Anyone, even non-backers, can get a free month of our website by using the special code FREE_MONTH. And anyone who actually buys a physical copy of the game on our store will get instant free access. Every person who plays it really helps us spread the good word, so if you can, invite some new people to the Anti-Social Skills family.

Until next time, stay safe and stay Anti-Social!


The 2020 Edition is online now, perfect for New Years!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 12:16:14 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.